Building with Balance - Paperback
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Building with Balance (Equipping Believers for Multiplication) by Chad M. Craig
Have you learned God's blueprint for your life and ministry? Do you know what He is building? Are you ready to be equipped to build with balance? This book will enable you to have the right perspective to understand God's eternal purpose in order to rightly divide the Bible and the truth it contains. Through this you will be qualified as an approved workman involved in what God is building and desiring to do on the earth today, as exhorted in 2 Timothy 2:15.
After receiving the right perspective, you will be instructed, equipped, and guided on how to practically implement the divine design for discipleship in line with God's blueprint. This will empower you to be more effective in God's building process and see lives built according to the divine design for discipleship.
This book addresses:
● God's eternal purpose and your involvement in it
● The divisions of Scripture ● How to rightly divide the Word of God
● What are New Testament truths?
● Explanation of the primary methods for holistic discipleship
● Discerning what stage of spiritual development someone is in
● The characteristics, needs, and vulnerabilities of believers in each stage
● What is Biblical success?
● God's blueprint for discipleship
● Leading others through the discipleship process
● Ways to protect those you are leading
● The difference between gifting, calling, and vision